Supply List for Ingrid Derrickson
6-8 canvas panels
My personal preference is 6x6, 8x8, 12x12
Oil or Acrylic paint palette:
Indian Yellow
Cad Yellow Light
Cad Red Light
Quinacridone Magenta
Ultramarine Blue
Payne’s Grey
Viridian Green
Titanium White
Paper towels
Personal Brushes, my preference is a variety of flats and Egberts
Supply list for David Boyd Jr.
I suggest 16x20ish for each afternoon session, 18x24ish or larger (whatever your rig can accommodate) if you are working on one painting for the afternoons. If you are selecting one LARGE painting, you will still be on location with us in the mornings, and you can use that info for paintings when you get home.
There will be more supplies listed when you register.
Things to have for class:
A tablet device or laptop to paint from.
A smallish sketchbook for sketching.
A viewfinder.
A camera of some sort.
The oil colors you normally use, brushes, etc.
If using a different medium for field work, select colors you use for your finished work.
Canvases for field and studio work (for color studies, I like to go SMALL. 4x6, 5x7, 6x8. 16x20 for larger studio work… or whatever size you think you can paint in a few hours.
I have a small pochade I use for gouache outside, but you can hold small canvases in your hand and a Masterson Stay Wet palette to mix with.